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Stupid Gone Viral

When Science and Reality Collide


By Kathy Scott, PhD, Bridget Sarikas, Christine Bessler


The fundamental message of "Stupid Gone Viral" is this – Leadership starts with a healthier me and healthier relationships.  It then requires the ability to lead with more freedom and less control.  This leads to healthier people and healthier organizations.  WHAT?  No, we are not proposing a free-for-all, nor are we proposing freedom without boundaries.  Rather, the evidence tells us that there are ways to provide leadership, direction and essential controls while also enabling freedom, creativity and choice.  These ways, in fact, lead to better results.  


The L3 Fusion model of leadership guides you through a new way of leading that is based on the sciences.  We include plenty of real-life examples to illustrate the key messages that will hold your attention and make you laugh out loud – and hopefully inspire you to join us on our journey to healthier living, leading and learning.


Published by ReThink Press


—  Tim Porter-O'Grady, DM, EdD, ScD(h), APRN, FAAN, FACCWS

“In this Digital Age, things move fast as innovation and new technology drive us to transforming experiences in this new world of work. We need an entirely different kind of leadership to guide us through the challenges and opportunities that continuously unfold. This book is a wonderfully down-to-earth, readable and useful tool for us all as we navigate the shoals and the turbulence of health system change--and it comes at just the right time. A big thanks and congratulations to Bridget, Christine and Kathy! I look forward to sharing it with my leadership colleagues......”

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